Category: Communities

Twitter Communities: Not So Inclusive

Twitter has a major issue when it comes to inclusion. They’ve implemented some new concepts – one of which is #TwitterCommunities. Several people I know (myself included) have applied to do our own communities, but there’s been a #chinesewall of sorts that have kept us out of the sub-platform. Seemingly,

America First

If you’re in a plane that’s about to crash, you’re instructed to apply any life-saving equipment to yourself first. Afterwards, save those that you can around you. This should’ve been the policy that was adapted to the #AfghanExit strategy – to get Americans safe first, then work on rescuing as

Facebook Is Fake Woke

I was originally going to write a longer blog on this subject, but the issue is not worth the time or effort in making. So you’re getting a highly abbreviated version of what I was going to write about. I can’t stand Facebook. It’s been a pain in the butt

Post-Election Thoughts: Where Do We Go From Here

The election may be over, but I don’t think it’s too early (or late, however you see it) to work on the next cycle. People are “woke” for a few week, vote, then return to business as usual.The same can be said for our politicians.I think we should keep stoking