Category: Term Limits

If Liberals & Conservatives…

If liberals and conservatives were to come together for a civil discussion, I’d bet that we’d find more in common than that which divides us – the Red & Blue parties. I firmly believe that an honest look at some third parties would create more balance than polarity. The duopoly’s

President-Elect Joe Biden

As of noon Salt Lake City time, the news reports have declared that Joe Biden is the projected winner of the election – with an electoral number that is north of 270. Though I know that Trump will more than likely contest the votes, I am okay (unless something is

Experience Matters?… Not So Much. #IThinkNot

So this was a reply to a post on a political candidate running for the gubernatorial seat in Utah. Here’s that message I left: “I LOVE how almost EVERY POLITICIAN proclaims that “Experience matters” except the ones that are trying to get in. If “experience” mattered so much, why do