Category: Uncategorized

America First

If you’re in a plane that’s about to crash, you’re instructed to apply any life-saving equipment to yourself first. Afterwards, save those that you can around you. This should’ve been the policy that was adapted to the #AfghanExit strategy – to get Americans safe first, then work on rescuing as

Facebook Is Fake Woke

I was originally going to write a longer blog on this subject, but the issue is not worth the time or effort in making. So you’re getting a highly abbreviated version of what I was going to write about. I can’t stand Facebook. It’s been a pain in the butt

Experience Matters?… Not So Much. #IThinkNot

So this was a reply to a post on a political candidate running for the gubernatorial seat in Utah. Here’s that message I left: “I LOVE how almost EVERY POLITICIAN proclaims that “Experience matters” except the ones that are trying to get in. If “experience” mattered so much, why do